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Relazioni Degli Ambasciatori Veneti Al Senato; Volume 02 by Alberi, Eugenio 1809-1878 ISBN: 9781373880727 List Price: $29.95
Meleagros; the New Calvary; Tragedies by Osborn, Laughton 1809-1878 ISBN: 9781373952509 List Price: $24.95
Ingoldsby Letters (1858-1878), in Reply to the Bishops in Convocation, the House of Lords an... by Hildyard, James 1809-1887 ISBN: 9781374046672 List Price: $29.95
School for Critics, a Comedy, Being in Completion of the Fourth Volume of the Dramatic Series by Osborn, Laughton 1809-1878 ISBN: 9781374065017 List Price: $12.95
School for Critics, a Comedy, Being in Completion of the Fourth Volume of the Dramatic Series by Osborn, Laughton 1809-1878 ISBN: 9781374065048 List Price: $22.95
Report of the Committee Appointed to Enquire into the Causes of the Disturbances at the Seat... by Pennsylvania Assembly Hous... ISBN: 9781374051126 List Price: $24.95
Hills, Lakes, and Forest Streams: Or, a Tramp in the Chateaugay Woods by S H 1809-1878 Hammond ISBN: 9781359523716 List Price: $27.95
The Life and Times of Sir Walter Raleigh: Pioneer of Anglo-American Colonization by Charles K 1809-1878 True ISBN: 9781359211798 List Price: $25.95
Hills, Lakes, and Forest Streams: Or, a Tramp in the Chateaugay Woods by S H 1809-1878 Hammond ISBN: 9781356385942 List Price: $27.95
The Affairs of Rhode Island, by John A 1809-1878 Bolles ISBN: 9781359373205 List Price: $19.95
Shawmut: Or, the Settlement of Boston by the Puritan Pilgrims by Charles K 1809-1878 True ISBN: 9781359252296 List Price: $22.95
The Life and Times of Sir Walter Raleigh, Pioneer of Anglo-American Colonization by Charles K 1809-1878 True ISBN: 9781359389824 List Price: $25.95
Hunting Adventures in the Northern Wilds; Or, a Tramp in the Chateaugay Woods, Over Hills, L... by S H 1809-1878 Hammond ISBN: 9781355932284 List Price: $26.95
Country Margins and Rambles of a Journalist by S H 1809-1878 Hammond, L W ... ISBN: 9781355928546 List Price: $27.95
The Montanini; The School for Critics; Comedies, Being in Continuation and Completion of the... by Osborn Laughton 1809-1878 ISBN: 9781355607243 List Price: $25.95
Gleanings of Past Years, 1843-1878, Vol 6 by Gladstone, W e. 1809-1898 ISBN: 9781378696941 List Price: $15.95
Gleanings of Past Years, 1843-1878, Vol 5 by Gladstone, W e. 1809-1898 ISBN: 9781378885352 List Price: $16.95
Gleanings of Past Years, 1843-1878, Vol 1 by Gladstone, W e. 1809-1898 ISBN: 9781377923086 List Price: $15.95
Gleanings of Past Years, 1843-1878, Vol 7 by Gladstone, W e. 1809-1898 ISBN: 9781377923093 List Price: $15.95
Dickinsons' Comprehensive Pictures Of The Great Exhibition Of 1851 by Nash Joseph 1809-1878, Hagh... ISBN: 9781248340547 List Price: $25.75
Horváth Mihály, 1809-1878, a Magyar Történelmi Társulat Alapitásának Félszázados Évfordulójá... by M rki, S ndor, Márki, Sándor ISBN: 9781149410189 List Price: $34.75
Life and Times of Sir Walter Raleigh : Pioneer of Anglo-American Colonization by True, Charles K. 180, True,... ISBN: 9781149446782 List Price: $28.75
Shawmut : Or, the settlement of Boston by the Puritan Pilgrims by True, Charles K. 1809-1878 ISBN: 9781149549100 List Price: $21.75
Affairs of Rhode Island, by Bolles, John A. 1809-1878 ISBN: 9781149806838 List Price: $15.75
Dickinsons' Comprehensive Pictures Of The Great Exhibition Of 1851 by Nash Joseph 1809-1878, Hagh... ISBN: 9781376242553 List Price: $14.95
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